The Best Karaoke Songs Of 2011 – Country And Pop

It is really a whole different world today for the teenagers and older. Cassettes and sheets of lyrics are a thing of fat loss products .. Karaoke now has become so popular with confidential details that is built into the computers much more it been so detailed before for people to start humming. When a … Read more

As a child I spent countless hours collecting and playing with action figures of all shapes, sizes, and characters. My favorite by far were my Star Wars action figures but I spent many hours playing with G. I. Joe, Transformers, Masters of the Universe. There are so many of them, and they were such a vital part of my childhood experience that I couldn�t really begrudge my sons love of those very same things.

His current collection is of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle� action figures. He is also starting a nice collection of matchbox cars, but he really loves his Ninja Turtles. For a while he was seriously interested in light sabers from Star Wars. I was so excited hoping I could share my old love for my Star … Read more